Climbing & Exploring Day

Today we took Paul and kids Arthur 8 and Edith 12 out for some adventure! Firstly they had asked if we could do some climbing, but also something that the kids could achieve. They also wanted something that’d challenged them, but because they are young, something they could handle. 

So I got my thinking cap on and thought a beaut day would be to tackle a dry ghyll. After that they could do some easy climbing in the afternoon. 

The ghyll is such an amazing place that conjures up the imagination! Because of it’s situation and the fact that many life times ago would of had water pouring down it. Therefore It has left it naturally carved out and turned it into an adventure playground! The family loved this and had to work together to overcome the various obstacles and challenges faced in the ghyll.

Climbing with kids:

The second stop was to head to Hutton Roof. Likewise this is a fantastic venue to do climbing with kids and offers a chance for all abilities to get involved. The rock is limestone and because there are a plenty full supply of holds on the lower grade climbs, gives a chance for trainers or boots to be worn. Likewise we teach good practice and try and clean or keep our boots as clean as we possibly can before stepping onto the rock. This helps future generations to be able to climb here.

You never know how much climbing you’ll be able to cover when climbing with kids, as some tire and some have long life battery and just carry on! These guys couldn’t get enough and did laps of one climbing route! Which is great as there are always different ways of climbing the same piece of rock. 

Time to go:

We climbed until around 16:00 and then headed back to the cars. Paul, Arthur and Edith said they had a great time and their kind review a day after – nice one – showed this. I’m sure we will see these guys again hopefully as it was a lot of fun, as is usually the way when climbing with kids. 

Check out our other Rock Climbing courses HERE